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Kitten sick?


My kitten is about 2 months old, bought him 3 weeks ago, and had 1st vaccination and deworming pill 1 week ago.  Usually he is very active for about 8 hours a day, goes crazy for titbits when we eat anything (we don't give any at all), and almost always prefers to sleep on our laps and climb all over us.  Today however he has slept almost all day, is active for very short periods only, and then goes to sleep away from us, not even chasing us when we eat. He still seems to eat and drink normally and purrs now and then. For a couple of weeks every 2nd or 3rd poo is soft.  Should I worry?  


I do not believe in giving vaccinations and anything else at the same time.  However, it is not unusual for a kitten to react to the first shot with a little bit of listlessness.  This should last no more than a week, if that long.  I like to wait about 2 to 3 weeks after a vaccination to deworm or do anything else.  Also, vets have a tendency to overvaccinate the first time.  What, exactly was your kitten vaccinated against?  Usually, the first shot should be against panleukopenia, rhinothracheitis, and calici.

Best regards... Norm.