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2 two week old kittens


QUESTION: This is my first time taking in newborn kittens, I am feeding them every hour, I have had them for one day, and they still have not had a bowel movement...I don't know what to do and I don't want to lose them! Please help me how ever you can.


You have to act as mom. Take a cotton ball and wet it with warm water. Rub in a circular motion over the private areas. You need to stimulate the kittens to go. Do this after you feed them. Also, cause it can be messy, do it over the sink. Kittens sometimes don't have a bowel movement everyday. It's nothing to worry about until it has been 4 days that they haven't gone.

You don't have to feed them that often. Feed them about every 3-4 hours. Make sure you burp them after they eat. You can start to litter train them at about 4 weeks old. Weaning I like to start at 6 weeks. Good luck and write back with any questions.

Ciao, Karen

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you, they have finally gone, but one more question; how do you burp a kitten? at what age should we stop bottle feeding?

Hi Liz,

Just like you would an infant. Place him against you like near your shoulder and gently pat his back. You'll hear this tiny little kitten burp. It's quite cute. Stop bottle feeding when you wean them. I like to do that at around 6 weeks of age. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen