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my 10 month old cat is having kittens


My cat is having kittens right now. It took her about 3 1/2 hours after the first to have the second. It has now been 5 hours since the second one and nothing else has happened. Her stomach is still very big but she does not look like she is in labor anymore. How long should it normally take for her bell to shrink back to as close to normal as possible? Is it strange for a cat to only have 2 kittens?   Please advise. Thanks


I would say that your cats labor has stalled. I think that it is in her best interests to have a vet examine her. If there are more kittens to be born the vet may have to do a caesarian. This is urgent so the sooner the better. It is quite possible that any remaining kittens may be deceased due to the amount of time that has passed and the hard labor that mom has endured. Most times cats tend to shrink back to regular size after their kittens are born. I would guess that there are still kittens to be born since you mention that your cat's belly is still swollen. I hope that this information is helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again.