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my cat just started drooling


what's going on with her she was fine yesterday and this morning and all of a sudden she has a a wet mouth at one point she had drool just hanging there....

Hi Tammi,

This sounds like a sudden onset with A LOT of drool, am I right?  Is she pawing at her mouth?  She may have gotten something stuck in her mouth or throat that she can't get out.  See if you can get her mouth open to take a look and see if there's anything there (don't worry if you can't get her mouth open, cats are notorious for not wanting you to look in their mouths.)  Has she perhaps gotten into some chemical substance, something under the kitchen sink or if she's an outdoor cat possibly a plant or such?  I would waste little time getting her to the vet, especially if this is worsening or if she starts to act lethargic.  If she has gotten into something poisonous there is no time to waste and if she has something stuck in her mouth it needs to come out immediately.
If, on the other hand, this is something where you've seen a little drool over a period of time and now she's drooling a lot she probably has a dental problem and needs her teeth cleaned and possibly a tooth extracted.  Either way I would get her to the vet pretty quickly.