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cat continues with loose bowl


I adopted a 2 yr old cat she continues to have loose bowl movements after treatment for parasite I feed her indoor cat food and want to know what food i should change to?

This is a difficult question to answer as there can be so many causes of diarrhea. I don't know if you have already taken your cat to the vets and if the treatment you gave her came from them or not. My suggestion is that she may either still be suffering from worms and either the medicine you gave her has not worked or may have caused the diarrhea to continue. I would suggest a trip to the vet to make sure.
Also have you recently changed her food, this may be the cause. If not and your cat has been on the same food for some time, in a few cases cats can become sensitive to ingredients in food and again this could be the cause.
If you are sure that she no longer has the worms, try changing her food to another good quality brand (I cannot recommend a brand but your local pet store should be able to advise). Make sure she has a lot to drink as dehydration is a risk with cats with diarrhea. perhaps try her with some dry kibble and a little wet food.
If the condition continues, then a trip to the vet is advised. I hope this helps a little.

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