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sneezing and fever, lathargic


my can has been sneezing contantly and now has a dry nose and is somewhat lathargic. can i give her a baby asprin for the fever and benedryl for the sneezing for the night until i can get her to the vet in the  morning

Never give your cat aspirin unless a veterinarian tells you to do so.  Benedryl can help some with the sneezing, but since we don't know what is wrong with her, I would be very reluctant to give her anything, just in case.  A dry nose is not necessarily indicative of a fever, so if you have a thermometer, I would suggest checking it.  You will have to take her temperature rectally, so be careful when you do so.  101-102 is the normal temperature for a cat.  If it gets above 105 she needs medical attention immediately.  You can put rubbing alcohol on her pads if she does have a fever, as well as give her a bath in cool water to keep her temperature down until morning.  I hope she gets better.
