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weird cat behaviour


I have a Persian Cat, Male, Neutered and approximately 5 years old. He is strictly an indoor cat. He has had all of his shots and is in good health. Recently he has a weird episode that I can not find any information on. He was sitting on  a chair when he started looking a little drunk (eyes were very dialated, staring kind of blankly into space) slowly he started to sit up on his back legs and began raising his arms simulateously until they were completely behind his head. I picked him up as this seemed to be completely involuntary movement. He was stuck in this position for about a minute and the leg muscles were rather stiff. He would not straighten out. I put him on the floor and he cound not stand. Slowly he recovered but it took about 4-5 minutes before he could stand on his own.  after the episode he was back to his usual self and has exhibited no other problems since. he has never had any problems with appetite or elimination. Any ideas?

Good Day Al,

I would take your precious boy to your Vet immediately, and have him check for things like a stoke.  From what you described, it sounds like a type of episode and at 5 years old, something that I sure hope you have just caught and your Vet can find and help take care of quickly!

Good for you keeping him safe inside too!  Please let me know what your Vet says about this episode ok?  Thanks for taking care of your sweet guy!
