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Constant Crying


We have 3 kitties, a brother and sister who are about a year old, and another girl that is a little less then a year.

Recently, our roommate was given a cat by one of his friends who moved somewhere they couldn't have pets. She has quickly adapted to our home and other kitties relatively quickly even though there is still minor hissing now and again.

When no one is home or at night, she stays in our roommates' room so that we can keep an eye on them when they're together.

Unfortunately, she cries CONSTANTLY, wether or not she's in the room or socializing with the other kitties. She mews a lot even at night when everyone is sleeping. We recently found out that she was in fact spayed, so we know that isn't the issue.

She's lived with us for a little over 3 weeks and we've tried spraying her with water whenever she was too vocal. Is there anything else we can try to possibly quiet her down a little?


Spraying with water is not going to help matters at all.  It is impossible to know why she is talking so much.  I am assuming you have had her to a vet and she has a clean bill of health?

Some cats (especially with Siamese behind them) are just very vocal.

The best thing to do is to ignore the talking and have everyone go about their business.  If she is getting along with the other kitties, this is good.

It is possible she is having some separation anxiety in missing the friend that moved on.  Three weeks is not really a long time for cats!

I would ignore the talking and let time deal with it.

BTW, better behavior modification techniques than spraying with water can be found by looking at Karen Pryor's website:

Best regards... Norm.