Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > cat pooping outside the litter box since one of our cats was put to sleep and we got another kitten

cat pooping outside the litter box since one of our cats was put to sleep and we got another kitten


Is this normal? one of my cats was recently put to sleep due to liver disease. we got another kitten before she was put to sleep and all 3 cats got along...since she was put to sleep 2 weeks ago we got a new kitten a boy 2 1/2months old the older girl who is about 4 has started pooping outside the litter box where ever she is hiding...Is this normal????and will it work itself out?

It is possible that she feels the litter box is not as clean as before, with another user and a new scent. It could work out but I really would suggest that you add anothyer litter box to your home to give her an alternative. Also make sure and clean teh boxes very frequently. And, wherever she has had accidents, you need to clean up with a good pet stain cleaner like Nature's Miracle that you can get in a pet supply store.