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Cat fur problem


Thank you so much for answering my question. Im sorry but i have another question. I have 2 more cats in addition to the gray one. The flea medicine, I get enough for all 3 correct? And if they get worms, the vet is the only one who can give medicine? I have this medicine called Crazy Little Kitty wormer~liquid wormer, it says its for roundworms. Is that the same thing as tapeworms? Im sorry, thats more than 1 question but please help. Thank you very much.
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Ok I have a fat gray cat and she constantly is licking herself. One particular area on her back has tons, i mean tons of black things. They dont appear to be fleas but they are like building up. I plan on shampooing her tomorrow but can u help me with this dilema, so I can take proper action. PLease help!

thank you,  Tiffany
It could be flea dirt.  Flea "dirt" is actually flea excrement.  Since fleas drink blood, the "dirt" is kind of like dried blood (it looks black).  If you put some of it on a paper towel, and drop a little bit of water on it, it'll turn a rusty brown color if it's flea dirt.  Fleas love to hang out on the back and rump area, and if she's too fat to groom herself properly, then that could be why you see the build up.  If it is fleas, I would suggest using a product like Frontline or Advantage.  They work the best and they are also the safest.  Also keep an eye out for tape worms.  They're about the size of a grain of rice, and you'll see them in the stool.  They can get tapeworms form ingesting a flea (alive or dead), so if you do see any you can call your vet for some medication.


It's not a problem I don't mind answering any questions that you have.  As for the fleas, yes you will want to treat all of your cats for them, and any dogs if you have them too.  You may need to treat your house as well, since most of the flea life cycle actually occurs off your pets.  There is a product on the market called Flea Maxx that works great for your floors and furniture.  I don't know if you can get it in your area, but its boric acid, which is safe for you and your pets.  As for the dewormer, you will need to get it from your vet if you do see tapeworms - they are different from roundworms and require a different medication that can only be obtained by prescription.
