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pussy eyes



hi, my name is Leah. i have gotten my older kitty a friend in the last couple
months who is half Siamese and half serengeti....not sure i spelt those right.
when i first got the kitty he got white puss in his eyes in the morning or after
sleeping usually and i talked to the people i got him from and they got me to
check to make sure he wasn't dehydrated ...which he wasn't ....and told me it
was probably stress and if it continued after a little while to take him to the
vet. after he got settled in the problem seemed to go away and seemed
normal. its been a couple of months now and I am just started to see it come
up again. its not yellow or any other color. its white... a bit clear sometimes. it
doesn't seem to bug him but i do have to wipe it away and i was just
wondering what it could be and why it came back now after so long.
Thanks for your time in helping me ,


I would suggest that you have Seren's eyes looked at by your vet to see if they are infected. The sooner that you can get him to the vet the better as eye infections are highly contagious to other cats and humans. Your vet may tell you that your cat has conjunctivitis which is a simple eye infection or that he has a herpes virus. If he has a herpes virus in his eye it will get gunky from time to time. You still need to take all hygienic precautions after handling anything to do with his eyes. Make sure that you wash your hands after handling Seren's eye discharges and before you touch your other cat's face or your own for that matter. If it is either of those your vet may opt to treat Seren with antibiotic drops or ointment. Hopefully all goes well and it just turns out that he has gunky eyes and you just periodically have to clean them to make sure that he doesn't get an infection. Please do not hesitate to contact me with progress updates, questions or other concernss. I will do my best to make sure that you have the most accurate and down to earth answers that I can provide. Good luck, and please let me know how everything turns out with Seren's eyes.