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Aggressive cat - a response!


I seen the article addressed to you, recently, in regards to the aggressive cat who bites anyone she comes into contact with. She may have had some sort of brain damage, possibly due to malnutrition when she was abandoned as a small kitten. I read that the owner was informed by three different veterinarians that the only recourse is to put the kitty to sleep - this bothers me greatly! I have dealt with feral cats, a 2 cats with brain damage and a few vicious dogs, and have had great success. I would absolutely be willing to give her kitty a very, very loving home. Dealing with unusually aggressive pets can be difficult, but I do not mind. Please, please pass my info along to the owner of the kitty.

I live in Virginia, if she has any way to transport the kitty to me, I would be more than happy to adopt.


Hello Sasha,
Thank you for your offer to help with this kitty. Unfortunately when I recieve a question, unless the author gives and email address or phone, as you did, there is no way I can contact them further.  These questions come with first name reference only.  Perhaps you could sign up on this site and answer those questions about cat behaviour and agressive issues. There are lots of behaviour questions out there!
Thank you again for your offer and your intrest in this site.