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5 month kitten who will not settle down


I have a 5 month kitten who will not settle down. Every time you move she will claw,bite or scratch me. I've tried ignoring her but it does not work. At night time she tends to go hyper and will not sit still. Please can you help me deal with my crazy kitten? Thanks

Hi Sophie.  When you ignore her, are you just walking away, or closing her in a separate room?  I find that closing them in the bathroom for 10 minutes works best.  I would also recommend to dedicate lots of structured playtime to your kitty, using interactive toys such as ribbon or feather wands and laser pointers, to help get rid of some of her pent up energy.  Try to dedicate at least four 15-30 minute periods each day with one playtime right before bed.  Cats are nocturnal and are naturally most active during the twilight hours.  Ideally, I would even consider getting her another active kitten of about the same age.  A buddy will keep her entertained for hours on end, will help show her proper social boundaries and will give you some relief when you need to relax.