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kitten not well


i found a kitten yesterday, he eats VERY little, and has a few solid bowel movements.  he justs sits and stairs with his head hanging down.  very small.  only weighs maybe a pound. probably around 5 weeks old.  cannot get him to drink.  i know he is a boy his testes has dropped already for his age.  i am taking him to the vet tomarrow.  i am worried he will not make it tonight.  he seems very lathargic.  gums white. he seems exhauseted.  i cannot get him to lay down. he just wants to sit with his head hanging down.  his breathing seems heavy.  all his ribs are showing.  i have 3 other cats in my home and i am keeping him away from them. he doses off sitting up and then jerks his head back up to try not to fall asleep. he is breaking my heart.  i could not afford to take him to a hospital today. i am trying to keep him comfortable until my vet opens tomarrow.  i have to work until 3:00 so i cannot get him their until after that. please give me any advice to make him more comfortable until this time.

Hi Tracey.  This poor baby!  I'm so glad you found him and are willing to care for him.

Honestly, I don't think there's a thing you can do for him until you get him to a vet.  Pale gums are bad news.  It could indicate feline distemper, feline infectious peritonitis, a severe hookworm infestation, feline AIDS or feline leukemia.  So definitely wash your hands with bleach after handling him so you don't spread any disease.  It might also indicate kidney failure, or if the gums are gray or blue at all, that might mean heart disease or pneumonia.

Besides forcing him to drink some water with a syringe and maybe forcing some chicken baby food with a syringe so further complications don't arise, I can't think of anything else you can do.