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Cat Watches TV


I have a 52" wide screen projection TV. I love it. But apparently, so does one of my cats. I swear that Luna is actually watching the screen--usually commercials with a lot of movement. But he also seems to watch programs with people moving around. Is he really watching? Is it confusing for him? His eye movement suggests he's actually following the action. But he seems to drone off to sleep while watching, too. Does TV have the same beta affect on cats brains as it does on humans--that is, does it make them doze off?

And, while on the subject of TV, I also have catsitter DVD's with squirrels and birds and other cats. I wonder if it frustrates them. I've seen my cats go behind the TV set, seemingly trying to find out how the animals got into the TV.

All of this may seem like funny behavior. But is there anything to be concerned about cats watching too much tv?



I certainly cannot comment about the effect TV may have on cat beta waves!!!!!

However, I have seen lots of kittens love to watch TV and some cats who do not outgrow it.  Cats can be occupied for hours with the "cat sitter" DVD's and VCR's available.  I have seen them go behind mirrors and TV sets trying to see where the action went, but I have never known them to get frustrated by this.

I do not think it will harm your cat to watch TV and most of the behaviors you describe are normal.  Some cats love to watch TV others ignore it once they are no longer kittens.  Like people, it depends on the individual.

I hope you and your cat like the same programs and you will not have to fight your cat for the remote.

Seasonal greetings... Norm.