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introducing a kitten to another kiten


I have a male kitten about 4 months old.  I wanted to get him a friend so I am trying to introduce another male kitten to him (he is 6 weeks old).  I am trying to do it slowly  (they have sniffed each other through the carrying cage, sniffed under the door, sniffed blankets with each others' scent, and short (very short) supervised visits). The visits don't go very well. It usually starts with the older one batting the little guy and then he starts to bite and pounce. I usually separate them at this point and put the little guy in his room. It has only been about 4 days, but I am worried the older one will continue to bite thinking the little one is a toy ( there is a considerable size difference).  Do you think that there is hope for them?

Hi Mel,

You are doing great! It is just going to take a little time. Also some of what you are seeing is normal kitten behavior. They bite and pounce on each other. Give them a little more time doing what you are doing then let them be together for a while. There will be some roughhousing but it shouldn't last long. Just keep an eye on both to make sure that one isn't really hurting the other.

Keep a water bottle handy and give them a little squirt if you feel that they are getting too rough. All should be well soon. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen