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my two cats fighting


The previous narrative describes nearly exactly this current problem. Two cats living together peacefully for 7 years; she is 12 he is 7. For the past 7-8 nights, they are growling, hissing,s screeching at each other and waking me every hour. I live in a small apartment and can only place one cat in the bathroom all night to separate them. I reviewed the possible reasons you listed (apart from the visit to a vet) and cannot understand why this is suddenly happening. Any other ideas. I did  have lots of company over the Christmas holidays ... every day. The cats appear very jealous of each other ... regarding food and my attention.


It may simply be that all the hubbub from Christmas has upset their routine.  Have you had them to your vet to see if one or the other developed a medical issue which might makes one of them miserable?

Is anyone drawing blood? If not, I would not separate them from each other, but let them settle the issue amongst themselves.  Usually, these things resolve.  

The other possibility is they can see some cat out the window that has them in a dither.  When this happens, it might be best to keep them in a room with no windows for a couple of days in hopes things will settle down.

Please let me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.