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retained placenta in himalayian cat


My 2 year old Himalayian cat gave birth to kitttens two days ago, yet she has not delivered all placantas. We are sure that she did not deliver the placenta and eat it, so what now? Is it too late for the shot to make her contract and push it out? I purchased this cat for a breeding cat and need to know my options.I have heard from a breeder that that last placenta can be reabsorbed into this true? Please advise!! Many Thanks.


I have found that counting placentas can be a lost cause with a large litter.  As a matter of course, when we feel a queen is done giving birth we always get an oxytocin shot. Numerous times we have had births when things were so fast and furious that it was difficult to keep track of the placentas.  Some of them scarf it down so quickly, it can be missed.  Also, we have had some that have their kittens from one horn of the uterus and then deliver the placentas from that horn.

As for placentas being reabsorbed into the body, that sound more like myth or wishful thinking than fact.  

I would talk to your vet about your options, at this point. In fact apost natal check up would be a very good idea in this case!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.