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we have a 3 year old fixed cat. (My daughter found her along the road so we're kind of guessing on her age)Every once in a while she goes through a phase where she drools (aLOT), stinks,bloats & is lethargic. We've taken her to the vet twice (she's had probably a dozen or more episodes) the vet said she either 1.) lost her mother too soon(doesn't explain the smell or bloat or 2.) she's allergic to having a reaction to something in our house (we've moved twice and is NEVER outside, I can't figure anything she might be getting into.) She acts very sick during these episodes. We're stumped. She REALLY stinks, kind of like poop. She's NOT constipated, all functions are normal except she doesn't eat much. The episodes last 4-7 days. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hi Ronda.  What I would suggest for you is to isolate your little kitty in a room on her own.  Of course, go in and visit with her, etc., etc. Make sure she has her litter box, food and water and lots of toys.  Make sure that you take notes of what she is like each day, and see if perhaps it is something in your house... if you've worn a perfume, a bath soap, something like that.  I know it sounds like a lot to do, but she may be allergic to something as simple as your soap.  It's possible, and could cause those reactions.  

If she's not eating much, try and monitor how much she is eating.  Is she eating wet or dry food (or both)?  If she's only eating dry, try a little wet food as an hors d'ouvre for her dinner.  She'll love it, and will gobble it right up.

Good luck!