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Depressed kitty??



Recently I have relocated to San Diego (this past Saturday) and temporarily, until I get settled, I have to leave my kitty (Milo) behind with my parents about 1 1/2 hours north of where I am.  My mom has told me the past two days Milo has barely been eating, along with sleeping and hiding a lot.  This is very abnormal behavior for Milo and I am wondering if it is because he may be slightly depressed.  I spoke to my mom this evening and as sily as this may sound, I talked to Milo over the phone.  My mom said he was rubbing his head non-stop on the phone and he seemed to have perked up after hearing my voice.  Is there anything I can do to help ease my kitty's sadness until he can be with me again?  Or is there anything my parents can do to keep him more occupied and feeling less depressed while I am gone??

Thank you so much for your response.

Hello Tricia.

Your kitten is suffering from Separation Anxiety. Your parents need to give him a lot of attention. Kitty treats help too. But the only cure for his condition

He will get over his depression as soon as he is back with you. BUT for awhile he will stick by you and follow you around because he will be scared you are going to leave him again. Make sure you give him LOTS of attention, affection, and reassurance when you get him home. He should get over it in a few days when he sees you aren't going anywhere and not coming back and be back to normal.

FYI: Cats go by routine. His routine has been disrupted right now and his emotional state shows it. Don't leave him at your parent's TOO long or he will get into another routine there and you will disrupt that one by bringing him home. It's not good to have him on an emotional rollercoaster.

But he WILL be glad to see 'momma'!
