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in-heat symptoms from a spayed cat


2 years ago we had our russian blue cat spayed. Her spraying and slipping out the front door and horrible sounds stopped. About a month ago she started spraying (or peeing) on anything in my closet. As of 2 weeks ago she started: slipping out the door, spraying (or peeing) on suitcases and clothing, 2 days ago she started making that "horrid" sound from before and now she is crouching low to the ground and making that sound. All of these were her pre-spayed sypmtoms. What can possibly be happening?


It sounds like your kitty has been trying to tell you that she has a bladder infection or even stones. She needs to see a vet immediately as bladder infections are really painful and can cause permanent kidney damage if not treated promptly. When you call ahead to the vet let the office staff know that your kitty is not feeling well and may have a bladder infection or even stones in her kidneys or bladder. The caterwaul like sound that she is making in combination with peeing outside the box and crouching can mean that things have already gotten pretty bad. The sooner the better for this kitty to see the vet, get the antibiotics and or pain meds that she needs. You may have to work out how to retrain her to use the litter box because since this has been left for so long she may actually have what is called "litter box aversion" which means that she has come to think that the litter box is responsible for causing her pain because it hurt to use the washroom and now because cats are very intelligent she believes that if she avoids the litter maybe peeing won't hurt so much...I hope that your kitty feels better soon and recovers fully from the infection or stones. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.