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Chinese and Taiwanese Cat Breeds


Date: 8/3/07 7:35 AM


I'm still interested in finding about cat breeds native to China and Taiwan-I found out Bengal Cats are found and bred in bred in both places. Did you find anything out with those cat breed questions I posed for you a while ago-about the Chinese White and the Dragon Li? Please let me know. Thank you.

Jason Goldman


No one I know in China or Tai-Wan has any knowledge of the so-called Chinese white or Dragon-Li beyond what I have given you.  Personally, I do not feel either of these are really breeds!!!!!

Sometimes TheMessyBeast seems to have breeds no one else has ever heard of and that no reliable reference can be found.  I did follow the links you provided, but beyond what looked like pictures of ordinary house cats, I cannot find anything credible, nor can my Chinese contacts.

Currently, in Asia, outside of Japan, the Persians and Exotics are the two most popular breeds showing up at CFA cat shows over there.

If I do get over to China, I will certainly inquire about these so-called breeds.

Sorry I cannot find more information for you!!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.