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Pheromone Diffuser and cat peeing


I am writing to ask a question about why my cat is peeing everywhere.
I have 5 cats. I found the mother about 2 years ago when she was pregnant and took her in and she had her litter two days later. I was only able to find a home for one of her kittens which resulted in me keeping the mom and the other four.
The two males are neutered and we are going to get the 3 females spayed as soon as we can. Only one female sprays while shes in heat and this last week she was in heat and me and my husband couldnt take it anymore (trying to clean up everywhere she sprayed) so we went out and bought a pheromone diffuser(one you plug into the wall) and it was helping one of the other female cats relax because shes a very shy, stay in the bathroom or under a table gal. But today when we returned from work there was cat poop on the couch and a couple of minutes ago when I walked into my bedroom someone had peed (not just sprayed - pee'd, a giant puddle) on my blanket. The female is not in heat anymore and none of the cats have ever peed or pooped out of the litter box before.
The only thing I could think of that had changed was getting that diffuser (about 3 days ago). So I unplugged it right away.
Could the diffusser be what is making one of the cats pee and poop everywhere? Or what could the cause be?
Please help... we had enough trouble with the female spraying and I can't handle one of them doing this.
Thank you

Hi Jackie,

First off, get a good enzymatic cat urine and feces cleaner. Clean those areas pronto with that stuff. You don't want them returning to the same area again. I would say one of your cats may be acting aggressively to the shy one. Using the pheromone diffuser may have relaxed her enough to wander around. The aggressor is most likely the unspayed one.  She was attacked in the litter box and what you found is the result of that attack. The shy one is being kept away from the litter box. You need to get the unspayed one neutered. This will help with the aggression and the spraying.

Keep the shy one in an area where she can't be attacked. Make sure she has areas that she can hide away from any aggressive attacks. I have one cat like that in a similar situation. There are still times she will still defecate by her bed. This is when she still attacked by the top cat here. And keep in mind, there will still be aggression against her. Just not as much now. Hope this helped. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen