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WORMS-mother & babies?


I have a mother with "3" 9-day old kittens, I noticed the kittens had large bellies but seemed fine, but then just now I found a tape worm on the moms behind and I fear the kittens may have them too- are there meds that can be given to a nursing mother and newborn babies??
Thank you for your time with this, any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated :)


There are medications available that are safe for use in nursing moms. Typically they work on mom and the benefits are transferred to the babies via the breast milk. You will need to see your veterinarian for appropriate recommendations, prescription medications are held to higher safety standards, they tend to be more effective and generally safer for your pets. I would strongly advise against using any over the counter products on mommmy or the babies as these can cause serious problems ranging from seizures and skin irritation to the worst case scenario of death. Our family veterinarian has had many pets come in with continual seizure activity after having received over the counter flea, worm, tick products.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
