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siamese IBS? maybe?


Hello Norman, Eli and I adopted a part-Siamese 6 mos old female yesterday. Sophie is loving, affectionate, and smart, despite this being her 4th (and last) home in which to have been adopted. She was "given up" by her previous caretakers b/c she would have diarrheal incontinence, often on soft objects. She pooped on the bed I bought her that matches her seal point. Oh well, I love her, the precious beauty. Before she arrived we set up a small cozy room with 2 litter boxes and playful things. The humane society suggested to seclude her to one small room to decrease stress from possible incontinence. We have complied. She has had one accident so far in 24 hours. She has urinated and defecated in her litter boxes. She cries at the door while awake when we are not in the room with her. We have spent several hours of the last 24 right with her. I took a nap with her today. We try not to go to her every time she cries b/c Eli says not to. I feel secluding her might be stressing her, but I am trying to do what the humane society suggested. I want her to be with me while I do things around the house, but, I admit, I don't want her to poopy on my couch or bed. Do you have any suggestions for a mama who loves this little beast? Thanks for helping me and everyone else!


Has Sophie been spayed?  Has she been seen by a vet for the diarrhea?  Also note that many shelter cats are fairly confined, and so, a new household with wide open spaces can lead to confusion until the cat gets the "lay of the land".

The good news is that she does know what the litter pan is and is using it when she is confined.  Your job is to figure out why she does not always use the litter pan when she has free run.

A couple of things you can try is to have different littter pans in different parts of the household, so that, if she feels the urge, she is not far from where she needs to go.  Aslo, when yiou let her out of her one room, try only letting her go to a few rooms in the house right away.  In a day or two she can learn the whole household, but, if she gets "lost" and has to go, she will find the most convenient spot, not necessarily the right spot to go.

I would also read the articles pointed to by the following link:

There is some pretty good advice on litter box problems in cats in this collection of articles.

See what your vet says about the diarrhea.  I am not a vet, but, in my experience IBS is a diagnosis given when the vet cannot ascertain the cause of the diarrhea.  

Please let me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.