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Introducing a new cat


I think I have done this all wrong, but a week ago I brought home a female 3 year old cat, that had been abandoned, to my home with my male 16 year old cat.  The new cat took quickly to the new enviroment, so I allowed her free rein of the house.  After two days she came into the room with my cat, and this is my problem.  My cat is hissing, growling and hiding under the bed.  He is terrified of her, looking over his shoulder while he eats.  I have brought a litter box, water and his food in my room and now I have closed him into the bedroom, but he is still hiding. He is not using the litter box, and is so afraid, and I hate to see him like this as he is a loving cat.  Please help.  Thanks

Hi Fran,

You need to switch what you are doing. The new cat should be placed in a bedroom and your old man should have run of the house. This is his territory and he needs to have control of it. He is the one that should be in control of the meet and greet. And while this is going on he will need a little extra attention. I am attaching a cat intro protocol. Use the instructions as a guideline to introducing them. It isn't too late to switch it to the right way.

Also you can use this stuff, (or something like this), on the older guy. It will help him. Also some Feliway Comfort Zone will be good.

All of this will help them settle in together. Time is a major contributor of success. Give it a bit. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen