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Did I make a mistake?


Hello. I own two cats. One I got last year in july as a present and the other in september when I found it wandering the hallway to my apartment, abandoned. After a few weeks, my other cat(Pebbles) stopped hissing and being mean to my new cat(Midna). I just gave Midna a bath because she was a little smelly. Afterwards my other cat now hisses at her all over again. Did I make a mistake by giving her a bath? Or is this just temporary until her original scent comes back? I'm a little worried.

Hi Courtney,

I think you're right, Pebbles just thinks it is a new cat in her 'turf' and she is asserting her status as top cat. It is temporary, she'll stop as soon as she realizes it is Midna.

I love the names you've chosen for your kitties, very sweet! Good luck, I know it's hard to just sit by and watch when kitties are not getting along, so I hope it passes soon.