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Peeing on towels


My cat is a rescue cat, I've had him for 11 years.  He was about 6 months old at the time. If I put a rug down or if my kids and I leave a towel or clothes on the floor he will pee on it regardless I just changed out his litter box.  I took him to the vet 3 years ago. He gave me pills for my cat but he is still peeing on towels. Do I need to take him back to the vet?  My cat loves me and my kids there's no jealousy. If my cat is peeing on a towel and I catch him he knows he's done something wrong. Because he runs out of the room quickly.

this is a complex issue is all to do with territory. Your cat is not being naughty etc he just feels the need to scent mark these areas. Now why he feels this way is the complicated bit as there are so many possible causes and some of them may not be obvious to us.

I have written a page about this issue to provide more information on why this happens and how you can try and help your cat. here is the page


best wishes Kate