Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > not aloud :-(

not aloud :-(

20 16:45:25

I really really want a cat. i have asked my mom and she keeps saying no. i am 14years old and i think that i have the responsobility to care for a cat. she doesn't understand this!! i have promised her i would take care of it but she continues saying no, do you have any suggestions on how to change her mind?
~*PLEASE HELP*~ Thank you!!

 I am 15 and i no how u feel. I have a cat. I would not have been allowed to have a cat. The only reason i have one is because i found her. She was reall fin and i just couldent leave her that way. So i asked my mum if i could keep feeding her. and since then she has been allowed to come into the house.

Instead of getting your own cat. Then why dont you feed someone elses cat. If you get a cat coming onto your garden just feed him some cat food. You will get the cat waiting for you on your garden. Then that will show your mum that you can look after one.

So just buy some cat food, and whenever you see a cat just feed it every time you see it. Or if you dont see one,. just leave some food outside.

I hope this helps. Let me no if you need more help.

                   from amie