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First Birth


My cat is about 1 year old. She's going to have kittens for the first time. How do I tell when she is about to give birth? Right now she has licked her very hotpinklike nipples a lot and seems restless. She has also meowed in a horse voice. I'm worried about her first litter. Is she close to labour? please help me1

Hi Melissa, when did she go to the male to be bred? You can usually count off 9 weeks from the day of the first stud service and that would be her due date.. give or take a day. On the day she is going to deliver she will be restless and crying and will start having a discharge. she usually won't eat much and she will be looking for her nesting box. She will also start labour of course before she has her first kitten. this is usually seen quite easily as she will stop what she is doing and you can see the contractions on her side. she may cry and position as if she is going to have a bowel movement. let me know when she was first bred and I can give you a better idea of her due date. teresa