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Nursing queens diet


We were adopted by a stray queen but we've never even had a cat before.  All the sites said to feed her kitten food during and after pregnancy in order to provide adequate nutrition for her and the kittens.  Recently her interest in the kitten food has declined. We've tried it dry and with water added but instead she seems more inclined to sit under our plates at dinner time.  Today she tried to get into the garbage can.  This is the first time that she's done this in our home.  What should we do?  I don't want the kittens or her to lose out on their needed nutrients.


You may have to crate her so that she will eat what she should. Any premium cat food with virtually all of its protein from meat would do the trick.  I would add some bone meal powder and a good kitty vitamin (like Kitty Bloom).  We mix dry and canned cat food together for our cats.

Do not let her out stubborn you,  Cayts are masterful aty manipulating humans and she will do what she cah to get her way.  The growing kittens inside her will pressure her to eat what you giove her if you do not relent.  She may go on a hunger strike for a couple of days, but will make up for it quickly when she decides to eat what you give her.

Best regards... Norm.