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nerve damage in my cats front leg


Is there anything I can do for my cat,his front leg has nerve damage,the vet says I have to have it cut off.

Hi Patty.  Nerve damage is often irreversable.  Nerve cells cannot be replaced, so once they're damaged, they're damaged for good.  There is no treatment for this.  Sometimes inflammation causes symptoms similar to nerve damage.  In these cases, we may see symptoms improve after a few weeks.  An anti-inflammatory such as cortisone can help reduce inflammation and encourage healing.  You could ask your vet if a cortisone injection is worth a try.  However, after a few weeks, if no progress has been made, it's quite certain that the kitty won't recover.  If your vet feels sure that the type of nerve damage your cat suffered is permanent, there appears to be no blood flow to the area, or he is dragging the foot causing an ulceration, then I agree that the best thing is amputation of the leg.  Cats adjust to amputations excellently.  One of my cats had a hind leg amputated a few years ago.  It was sore for a couple of weeks, but he adjusted very quickly, and today he's one of the fastest runners and hardest players I have.  So don't worry that the handicap will be hard on him.  I think he'll recover just fine.

Good luck!
