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Cats bringing home half dead mice


Hi Norm, I am new to the world of cats so this may be an obvious question.  My cat has started to bring mice and gecko's (practically dead) into my house, why is he doing this and how can i get him to stop doing it?  He is fed very well so can not be hungry.


No the cat is not hungry. Cats have been exhibiting this kind of behavior for centuries and there seem to be as many attempts to explain it as their are experts.  However, one just must accept that it is a thing cats do.

Cats seem to like to hunt and play with their prey, and then bring it back to their "adopted" parents.  One can speculate as to the whys and wherefors of this behavior, but I know of no sure way to stop the practice except by keeping the cat inside.

Sorry I could not have been of any more help.

Best regards... Norm.