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Kittens Hind Legs..


My cat just had kittens and she was very young. She had 4 and 2 of them were born with no tails and there back legs are turned riught around. One didn't make it but the other is healthy and full oif life. He walks on his elbows. I was wondering if there is any sort of wheel thing that I can put on him so he can get around easier? He is going to get sore legs if he keeps going this way.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hello Susan,
I know that there are wheeled assistance carts for dogs who experience hip or back problems, but I have never heard of such a thing for cats. I am not sure what you could do to assist with his manuverability.  If his elbows are rubbing on the floor, then you might want to fashion some sort of pad to be held on with vet wrap to help keep him from rubbing fur and skin off.  Perhaps a set of roller skate wheels on a short piece of wood, and strapped around his hind quarters, held on with velcro?  I wish I could be more helpful.  Thank you for your inquiry, however, and your intrest in this site.  And the best of luck to you and this little baby.