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mother cat apart from kittens


hi can you help.mother cat on secound litter,kittens are 6 weeks old feeding for themselves not have to much to do with kittens so i let to kittens ok for a day but not not stop meaowing a sorry sort of sound..jave i let them go to soon

yes you have. the first seven weeks of a kittens life is very very important. this is where if it is to be a sociable cat that will become a good pet, it learns important lessons from both its mother and from it's human companion. cats that do not get this intensive socialisation will have difficulty in later life. See my page here about this /kitten-care.html

I don't know what to say, If your intention is not to breed your cat then it would be best to have her spayed as soon as possible. this will calm her down and stop her frustrations.

if you do intend on breeding her, i suggest that you study cat behavior etc so that you can provide the best cat care and start for your litters. It can be very distressing for a mother cat to lose her kittens too early. Give her lots of toys to play with and give her lots of your time to try and distract her from looking for her kittens.

best wishes