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Flea treating young kittens


My family currently has a middle aged male cat with-out fleas.  We would like to introduce a young kitten but it has fleas.  How do we go about flea treating the young kitten without the older cat contracting fleas and needing an adult flea treatment that could be harmful to the kitten?

Hey !

Go to a local Petsmart or pet store whatever and purchase a Cat Flea & Tick Shampoo along with Flea & Tick Powder & Also purchase a Flea Comb and also pick up some Adams Flea & Tick Fogger as the only way to get rid of fleas completely would be to bomb the house, and you also will need a Flea & Tick spray/mist. You have to kill fleas over time they just dont die instantly so I advise you keep the kitten in a garage or somewhere where the other cat is not able to have access too. After a week or two introduce the cat into the home, but meanwhile bath him every other day with Flea and Tick Shampoo and put some flea powder on him.