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Older Cat With New Kitten



I have a 9 week old kitten, the older cat Milford [ who is 3.5 yrs old] plays with the kitten during the day just fine, they wrestle and attack each other and he grooms the kitten to sleep, they sleep and snuggle together.

But at night from 11pm - 7am it's like jeckle and hyde. Milford starts crying/meowing and pins the kitten and holds onto his neck skin and won't let the kitten go, the kitten will meow a few times then starts screaming, Milford sometimes will let go. Once the kitten is free, he takes a second to groom himself then starts running around like a crazed cat again [ he's not hurt whatsoever] but the kitten screaming is worrisome.

IT's odd that during the day they play great, no meowing or anything then as 11pm hits, Milford goes into crazy mode. If the kitten is sleeping, Milford doesn't do anything.

Any thoughts?


I am assuming Milford is neutered.

It all sounds normal to me.  At 9 weeks the kitten is a bit young to be introduced to a new home, but things should eventually settle down as the kitten gets older.  As long as no one is really getting hurt, I would ignore the games.

Normally cats are nocturnal, so until they get used to our schedule, they tend to be more raucous at night time than during the day.

Best regards... Norm.