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My cat takes a yearly vacation


Thank you for your answer. Does any of this sound as if my cat is suffering from seperation anxiety. There are times when I spent nights away from home so I was thinking that that may be taking a toll on her.
and yes she is spayed.
Thanks again

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Question -
My cat is 4 years old and this is the third summer where she has decided to leave for a period of time and then come back. She is an outdoor cat but always comes home on a daily basis. Sheloves to be home at night and is a cat that likes to be pet and played with while home. The first summer she left for about 3 weeks in Aug. Last summer she left the end of July and stayed gone for about 2 weeks. This summer she had just left a week ago and just came home. Is there a reason she does this and should I be concerned about anything? The other strange thing that she does around this time is cry when I leave a room. Instead of her following me she lets out sounds that are not the common tone I usually hear when she cries if she is hunger or wants to go out.
Please advise Ive tried to research this and have found no similiar situations.
Thank you

Answer -

I am assuming your cat is spayed?

I wish we better understood the meaning of all the sounds cats make to speak to us.  It must frustrate them terribly when we just do not understand.  I am afraid I have no idea of what she is trying to communicate to you!

As to the vacations, I wish I had a good answer for you.  It is possible that there is a household somewhere who will take her in for short periods of time every summer.  Other than that, I would have no idea short of a CIA tracking device to find out where she goes.

Sorry I could not be of more help.

Best regards... Norm.  


Unless the vacations and the talking coincide with a longish absence by you, I would not think it was separation anxiety.  Cats do suffer from separation anxiety, but, if your cat is used to you having periodic absences of a few days now and again, that should not be much problem for the cat to adjust.

Best regards.... Norm.