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Male cat urinating and crying continously!


Hi I am hoping you can help!! I have a 2 year old long haired non - neutured male tabby. Recently anytime I go away for the weekend or on holiday he urintates in the living room. It tends to be in a particular spot and the smell is awful. He also crys and crys and crys continously. We feed him and pet him and still he just sits and crys at you. It is painful to say the least. I have looked him over and he appears to be fine no signs of illness. I am baffled and we are all going mad with the smell of wee and constant crying. Please help!!

Hi Siobhain,
I would first take him to a vet and have him checked for any urinary problems. The crying and peeing sounds like he might have a problem.
Try using a product such as Urine Off to clean where he has been peeing. Also Woolite works pretty good.
If the vet clears him let me know and I can help you a little more with trying to figure out what is going on.
Good luck.
