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Kitten worries!!!


My cat is approximately 8 months old and having her first litter. this morning I went to check on her in the birthing area I prepared for her and she had 1 kitten. the kitten seemed fine and was nursing. my concern is that i had to go to work and leave my cat to possibly deliver more. I'm not sure if she has more kittens or not inside her. When should I really start to worry? I won't get home till a little after 5pm could that be to late?

Hi Eryn, The first kitten is usually the hardest kitten for new moms to have. Since your cat had her first one before you left she will probably be fine with the rest! I would not worry while you are at work and if she is in distress when you get home you can always deal with it then. Do you have a neighbour that could go over and check on her to help put your mind at ease?? Teresa