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last stages of pregnancy


Hi It's my first time to have a litter of kittens and it's really funny because I thought my cat was pregnant without even a sign it was just a she is not moving much laying around inside and is quite big..what symptoms are most common when a cat is due as yesterday I thought she was going to have them as she was tossing and turning not able to get comfortable but now she is just stretched out sleeping away? please a little guidance would be great thankyou from Donna

Hi Donna, Do you know when she was bred? The normal gestation is about 63-68 days. So counting down the days is always the best way to judge her due date. A cat will often start nesting 3-5 days before delivery. They will find a dark safe place and start scratching the blankets around and will spend time sleeping
there. Your cat may also pass her mucus plug up to a day before delivery. But that is not a guaranteed thing.. none of these things are. She may also have a drop in temperature of a degree or two...within 12 hours of labour starting
You may notice colostrum from her nipples anytime between a couple of hours of being due up to 5 days before she is due.
The only really EXACT way to tell that she is due, is if she starts contractions and a kitten comes out!! LOL