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Confusion over dry catfood.


Hello Christina,
I have heard it all, that is all the arguments of whether dry catfood is good for cats or not.My Vet has given the dry catfood a big red signal.(I feed Premium catfood like Sportmix and Propack).Now the problem is that I have to feed my two cats only Chicken and fish and sometimes muttion, (i.e, goat meat). we cant feed the cats any other 'animal'or 'bird'like rabbits or Turkey since I stay in India and IT IS NOT AVALIABLE here. To make matters worse, someone recently told me that feeding Fish and milk to  cats is harmful. I am running out of options. what am I supposed to feed them? your service was recommended very highly by a close friend, and I hope you will be able to take me and my poor cats out of our confusion and misery. waiting for your answer.

I do not know why your vet said no dry food at all. Dry food is just fine but should be supplemented with canned food or fresh foods since exclusively using dry food can lead to urinary tract issues in some cats. As for fish and milk: Some types of fresh fish are not the best but you can usethe other fresh things you mention - chicken or lamb - to supplement dry food. It should be noted that just meats like chicken or fish is bad in itself. Meat alone does not have all the nutrition that prepared dry and canned foods have. Whole milk is bad in that it can cause diarhea which is dangerous so no milk. So that is it - dry foods are fine but need to be supplemented with either canned foods or fresh chicken or lamb. Eliminate the milk and fish except maybe canned tuna.