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Cats leg hurts


QUESTION: About a month ago my cat seemed to have hurt her leg from jumping. So i took her to vet and they told me to keep her on bed rest away from my other cat. I did and her leg got better. However a couple of weeks after she got better it starting bothering her again. She isnt limping but she crys out in pain and it doesnt seem swollen at all or no bumps. I cant afford to keep taking her to the vet and they couldnt do a full examine because they would have to sudate her to do full examine. Any suggestions.

ANSWER: Hi Jacqui,

Try separating her again. She really needs to be seen the vet. She could have an abscess. She could have a hairline fracture. There are many different things that could be wrong. See if your vet will take payments. Most do. I can't help you with something like this. Make some sort of arrangements with the vet to have her looked at. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Karen, one more question. My cat seems to be fine today so its really an off and on thing. Is it ok to give a cat baby asprin half a tab?

Hi Jacqui,

No, do not give aspirin to a cat! Cats do not metabolize pain meds like dogs or we do. Giving them human pain meds can kill them. Just out of curiosity, how old is she? She could have arthritis. Here's some info on it.
If it comes and goes like that it my be that. You can try this and see if it helps.

There are a lot of sites selling this. It averages about $20 per package of 80. I hope this helped you. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen