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my cat keeps sneezing these weird little sneezes--sort of internalized.  Also, she is loosing a lot of hair lately..not sure what is going on, if anything at all.  Maybe the hair loss is seasonal?  She is about 3 years old and is not a purebred.

Hi Megan,

My cats sneeze a lot too, but they are full sneezes.  They have always done this.  It is a characteristic of some breeds, or mixed breeds. Does the sneezing coincide with the hair loss?  How about food?  What kind do you feed her?  The premium cat brands such as IAMS or Science Diet are so much better than regular grocery store brands.  Even Purina "One" is a step above some of the less exensive brands. Some cats can be allergic to some brands of cat food.

If the hair loss more than just normal shedding, then I would advise you to have her checked out by a vet. I am a big advocate of having our critters get annual check ups, and in-between ones if your kitty is not acting normally.  If you are still having problems after trying the above, please write again, I will ask my vet about this.  Good luck, and thanks for writing.
