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Persian cat and her breathing


My female Persian cat is 10 years old . She became snuffly when she was about 2years old. But as I understand it that is to be expected as she has quite a flat face. Just lately she has become worse and she has a discharge from her nose although it is clear it makes me feel that I should wipe her nose! She is more congested than she was. I have been to the vets and he gave me some anti inflammatory to help with the is charge but said it was typical of her breed. But is there anything that can be done to help her? I would appreciate some opinions . Thank you


I do not know where you live, but this has been a terrible year for allergies. Also, I would get a second opinion, if the dischgarge is green/gray and mucousy, she may have an upper respiratory infection.  This can be treated with antibiotics for the secondary infection. If the discharge is clear, it is probably an allergy.  However, I am not a vet, and a vet is whom you need to be contacting.

At age 10 she may have developed allergies (just like some people do as they get older.

Please let me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.