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Newborn kittens feeding


My cat got into an accident and has scaring on her stomach and lost 3 nipples. She just had 4 kittens. Will the kittens share nipples?  I want to make sure that they all are getting enough milk.


Most cats have 8 nipples originally so I don't foresee the loss of three of her nipples being an issue with a litter of four. If you are concerned about whether or not the babies are getting enough milk weigh them every couple of days on a digital kitchen scale that measures in grams - as long as they're putting on weight they're getting enough to eat. Be sure to feed Momma all that she wants at this time so that she can put that extra food and energy towards making good quality milk for her babies so that they grow fat, healthy and sassy. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
