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our cat is not himself

20 16:46:33

Is it possible that our cat Snickers is constipated...
and would that make him throw there a home rememedy that I could give him till I am able to get him to the vet.....
Thank you for taking the time to read my question and any thought would be appreciated.
Sincerely, Karen  

Hi Karen,

I don't think throwing up would have anything to do with being constipated, however, it may have something to do with having hairballs.   You can give your cats butter to lick ever now and then.  That will help the hairballs go through the system.   Most cats love the taste of it, but if yours doesn't seem interested, put it on the bottom of his paw... he will clean his paw off!    Also, my cats throw up ever once in awhile for no reason.  I think they overeat!
If he is constipated, this should help with that also.  
If he doesn't eat, or throws up everytime he eats... I would take him to a veterinarian.

Good luck and God Bless,