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Three month old female kitten


I recently brought in an outside recently abandoned pregnant female cat in October. She gave birth to five healthy kittens. I found homes for the Mother and four kittens and kept one female who is now three months old. I have an adult neutered male 14 year old cat who pins the kitten by her neck on the floor and rubs his anal gland scent on her. She cries when he does this, I have stopped him from doing this. But he has never done this before to any cat, nor has he ever been aggressive in any fashion. Should I be preventing this behavior or is it normal?


This is rather rude behaviour on the part of your older cat - it's a dominant behaviour that I wouldn't allow in my home with any of the cats that I care for. You may want to try the Bach flower essence Vine as this deals with dominance. You administer Bach flower remedies by rubbing 2-3 drops onto the outside of the cat's ear flap 2-3 times/day for 2-3 days. Your kitten might benefit from the Bach flower essence Larch which builds confidence and self esteem as well as diminishing fear. In the meantime it's probably not a bad idea to isolate your kitten when you can't be around to prevent your older cat from dominating her and rubbing his anal gland secretions on her. If you have any further cat related questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
