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Hello, i recently purchase two sphynx kittens.  They were born in march.  They are from different breeders (that were best friends) and were born a day apart and raised as brother and sister.  Both are fixed with all their shots.  The little girl is blue and sometimes trys she trys to hide under the bed.  We now have it blocked off but sometimes she still trys to dig her way under there.  Why does she do this?  She seems happy and i think she enjoys sitting with me.  Also, with sphynx i am told they need to stay warm.  We bought them small dog sweaters but they really dont like them as they dont fit well.  Parts of the house are warmer than others.  The living room is a cooler room and sometimes i wonder if it is too cold.  At what point should i worry that they are too cold?  I have had a hard time finding info about them online.  One site said that if they get too cold, they will go find some place warm.  Can i trust the kitties to know if they are too cold and will come play in a warmer area of the house?  Another question, the two are good friends but sometimes play a little rough.  They give each other little scratches.  None of the wounds look bad, just little scratches.  But they do get rough.  Should i be concerned about it?  Thanks!

Hi Michelle!
Sphynx are such cool cats, you are indeed very fortunate to own two!!  First,let me say this, that the breeders may be the best people to ask these questions to. They know the breed better than anyone and most breeders welcome questions from anyone who buys their kittens.  But I will be glad to try to answer these for you.  I used to have a Cornish Rex who was born hairless. Although she was not a Sphynx, she had no hair, so I have a little experience in dealing with bald cats.  Also, I presently own three Chinese Crested.  From my experience, when the cats are cold.. whether hairless or not, they will get under the covers of my bed.  Also,I have an electric throw that is very warm, and I keep it on in the winter. They LOVE to sleep on it. It's like an electric blanket, but smaller. You should consider buying one, it's great!  My dogs like the sweaters when they go outside if it's very cold. But they don't like them on in the house, and will pull each other's off.  If your cats don't like them, then I wouldn't worry about putting them on them. I think your kittens are smart enough to find the warmer parts of the house.  Your kitten that is hiding under the bed is just a little unsure, and will eventually outgrow that.  If I were you, I would let her go under the bed if it makes her feel more secure. As time goes by, she will come out and be fine.   All in all... I think if your cats get cold they will seek a warmer place, but if I were you, I would get either a heated cat bed which you can find online at some of the pet supply places, or a heated blanket such as I told you about.  With no hair at all, they need something to keep them warm.
God Bless,