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shooing away a stray.. OH NO


We've been having trouble with a stray coming to fight with our outside males.  He has been a bother and won't leave for good.  Then to my dismay... today he was answering my call to my 'babies'... he let me pet him and hold him and now I'm wondering (and feeling horribly guilty) that he may be a male of mine that disappeared years ago!!!!!!!!!  I'm not sure... coloring is the same, but his jowls are so much bigger!..  My question is .. As males age, especially since he's been on his own...fighting to survive, do males jowls increase significantly?  I wondered if it could be a medical issue, but he's large and solid all over.  I cried while he was letting me pet him...if it is him, what he must have thought as we were being so ugly!!..  I would appreciate hearing your answer!  Thanks~ Marci Jones

Hi Marci,

Cats, as they get older, do fill out. It could be your little guy all grown up. Cats usually don't stray too far away from where they started out from. They usually are within a one mile radius.

Cats don't have thoughts about us being mean. Don't worry about that. He came to you because he knows you are going to take care of him and feed him. The best thing you can do for him is get him neutered and make sure he has his shots. You do these two things and you will significantly increase his chances of living longer as an outside cat. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen